If you are a person that is frequently on the move and staying away from home for extended periods of time, one of the first things you should be doing is purchase unoccupied property insurance. It is possible that you pay have purchased a home insurance policy to secure everything that may be stored in your home. However, like most people, you may have ignored the fact that a home insurance policy will not come to your aid, if you leave the property unattended or vacant for a period of 30 days or more.
The insurance company which sold you the home insurance policy will automatically downgrade your insurance to unoccupied status if they find that you are leaving the property unattended for long periods of time. This practically means that you will not be covered against any damages which may take place during your absence. Vacant properties are prime targets of burglars, vandals and squatters who could take possession of your property and leave it in bad shape. The insurance policy that you purchased would be of no use to you under such circumstances.
You will be required to provide your insurance company details about all your belongings before your application for unoccupied property insurance will even be considered. It is highly possible that a representative from the insurance company will pay you a visit to ascertain the true value of your belongings. You will be asked to install adequate security alarms before the policy is issued to you. The requirements of the insurance company will without doubt cost you some money as well. As you will be purchasing another policy, you will also be required to pay additional premiums, which will be specified to you.
Vandals or squatters who occupy your property during your absence will not leave behind a cheap public liability insurance policy for you to make a claim before they start damaging your home. You should have realized this matter at the time you first purchased insurance for the property.